We have completed the "Flying Carpet Tour": Brno-Nitra-Brno.
Brno. We started with the dancers and masters of light and sound of the Moravian Gallery in Brno at the multimedia show XX. IMMEDIATUS / NOW HERE. The dancers developed the technique of the so-called instant choreography and they chose us as the musical component. Performances happen to be instant compositions somewhere between an abstract painting and a pure composition. Similar experiences and experiences have moved us further in the past (for example, the Výprava – Voyage album was created in parallel with the creation of music for the Czech theater Continuo).

NitraWe are glad that concert on the pavement in front of the bookstore Pod Vŕškom carried out. When we were coming by car from Brno, we were followed by a storm. The one who twice forced us to roll up the carpet the previous day in the courtyard of the Moravian Gallery during the opening night of the IMMEDIATUS dance and music show. The third arrival of a storm in Brno an hour before the show meant that we moved all the equipment inside, to the baroque hall of the gallery, in 15 minutes.
This exercise could not be repeated in Nitra, because the interior of the small and lovely Bookshop Pod vršek could barely accommodate the concert for the staff. Fortunately, the storm passed us by. Well, we had enough energy for music just until the end. Years ago we wrote in the band notebook: "who said it would be easy?". We no longer remember the circumstances, but the message for the future is clear: concerts on the carpet in the open air are great, but next time preferably in California. Feel free to invite us there.

BrnoObr (Huge) joy, we unexpectedly played on ObrFest v Brno-Obřany. Main stage, great Line-up. If we wanted a meeting with our related musicians from the Czech Republic scene, it would look almost like this! The rain was also in full flow at this stop of the flying carpet, and we had no choice but to invite those from the audience who decided to stay despite the water to join us on stage.