The current Longital album is Utterly (2022).
We are Longital, the duo of Shina and Dano, world travelers from the hill above the Danube. Our music demands its time and space, it does not rush. Ours Slnko Records releases other outstanding musical works.
Longital is one of the stalwarts of the Slovak independent scene, has several music awards and participation on world stages. They have gone through different genres and collaborations, they write music for films and theater.
The songs are in Slovak, the personal texts evoke emotions and stories on a musical background, based on their own time and space.
Soundwalk (2022)
A musical walk from Dlhé Diely around the Danube to the center of Bratislava.
Mauna (2019)
Mauna means silence. Silence before everything erupts. In cooperation with Marián Slávek.
Divoko (2016)
Deeply thought-out content, musicianship perfectionism and craftsmanship.
Longital Suita (2016)
Live with a string quartet from the opening of the Konvergencie festival.
Listen to Utterely here and then buy utterly beautiful sound at original CD or a specifically nostalgic sound on originálnom LP.
On Spotify listen to our other studio albums and concert recordings.
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