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Five stars for Teraz in R2 Magazine, UK 1/2011

Continental Drift / Eddie Cooney explores some of the fine music being made outside the UK. Passport, please…
My love of Slovakian band LONGITAL ( has been well recorded in Continental Drift. Daniel Salontay and Shina Lo are two equally talented musicians who perfectly complement each other’s muse. New album Teraz*****(SLNKO RECORDS) is a strange and beautiful thing.

Strange in its originality and beautiful in its profundity, this is music like you have never heard before: sounds and melodies from out of the air like gifts from the gods; rhythms from the depths of a soul like the varying heartbeats of lovers; lyrics of honest, naive expression like the truth means everything.
Longital have made an album that is the sound of true creative freedom. They have found the point where the spirit of childhood invention is compromised by and lost to adult consideration. Teraz looks nowhere for inspiration other than inwardly to the very moment of creation, and then it tries to maintain that precious moment for as long as possible. This is the music of life with the hot red blood of passion for living pumping through its heart. I’ve listened to Teraz over and over again but I recognise not a single note or idea I have heard before. This music is not of the past and neither is it of the future. This is music of the moment. Teraz is the Slovakian word for ‘now’.
R2 magazine 1/2011, Continental Drift column by Eddie Cooney

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